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Role: User Experience Design Intern

Time: Summer 2021 7/5 - 9/3

Tools: Figma, Teams



Dynamic 365 contains business solutions that cover variety of business scenarios. It is one of the most important product lines for Microsoft. To make it continue growing, increasing values for existing products is needed, as well as seeking for new opportunities and trying new business solutions.

In summer 2021, I joined Dynamic 365 Finance team and was tasked to take responsibility of two projects. One is innovative and one is aligned to current product. My work included designing low-fi to high-fi product, conducting usability tests, adopting agile development cycle with engineers and PMs, and handing off consistent Fluent design.

My work🎈

Before I talked about all exciitng stuff...

As projects I worked on during the internship were confidential, if you want to know more, please contact me through email:

UI refinement and on-boarding experience design for the Tax Calculation Service

This project was about improving the UI design for current Tax calculation service and creating an on-boarding experience with the Globolization team. Creating an on-boarding experience adds value to the product by providing a friendly learning path for first time users as well as shows product's functions and values for system evaluators during the guiding tour.

Block-chain based Cash Managment

The project was carried out together with the Cash Management team. It was an innovative project to catch the trend of block-chain and try new business solutions. I cooperated with three other engineer interns to design and develop the first-step product.



Comprehensive design language and system

It was challenging to learn one of the most comprehensive design language and implemented it to keep all design works consistent. It was through using and learning that I got a deeper understanding of the Fluent design language. I got new insights everytime I review the component library.

A comprehensive design system also allowed me to put more energy in thinking deep about the operational process and the flow of interaction, which were critical for an ERP system.

Being inclusive and understanding

The most impressive thing I felt about being in Microsoft was that everyone was so inclusive. My team and mentor gave me autonomy and valuable guidance to do my own prototype, user testing and iteration. People were inclusive and understanding that regardless of roles, they were all willing to support internal reviews and usability testing to validate my design. As designing for an ERP product, the inclusive mindset was so important not only for the working environment but also for a designer like me. The ERP system was not a product that I was familiar with. It was with the support from my experienced colleagues to explain functions and provide worthy advices that I can ultimately provide a valuable design.


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